
Remembrance Day Service

On Wednesday 9 November students from Years 3-10 gathered together in the Savio Centre to recognise Remembrance Day.

This year is the 100th anniversary of many of the significant and horrific battles that occurred on the Western Front. Our keynote speaker Ms Gilligan spoke eloquently on the significance of this anniversary, describing in great detail the sheer scale of what was a horrific tragedy.

Our focus this year was especially on peace, and as part of a reflection students watched a video about the Dalai Lama’s 18 lessons we can apply to our own lives to ensure we find peace.

The service was beautifully led by the College Captains Jacob and Meg, with other speaking roles performed respectfully by school leaders from across the year levels.

The catafalque party consisted of Air Force Cadets, and Year 10 students, Eloise Kerstan, Lily Newell and Jack Butler and they performed the ceremony with confidence and precision.

Students heard the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae, read by Jacob Golding, and enjoyed listening to ‘I was only 19’ performed by the Australian Army Band on video.

You can see more photos on our website gallery here: Remembrance Day.

All students and staff then recognised Remembrance Day on Friday 11 November at 11.00am, with a minute’s silence across the school.

Miss Katherine Hewitt - K-6 Coordinator of Pastoral Care