
P&F News update 23 March

It has been a very hectic but exciting start to the year for the P&F with guest speakers at our first two meetings, exciting projects on the go and a vibrant and energised committee.

Dylan Chivers, College Chief Financial and Operations Officer, attended our February meeting and provided an overview on some of the current projects including the Creative Arts Hub and the ongoing Playground Redevelopment.

Olivia Stephen, Coordinator of Pastoral Care K-6 came to our March meeting and put forward a proposal to redevelop the K-4 area especially the Netball Court. The proposal includes a mini basketball court, a cricket pitch, a giant chess set, 4 way hopscotch, twister and much more. The P&F are very excited to support and help fund this fantastic initiative. We hope to have this project started in the Term 1 holidays.

The Easter Raffle will be drawn under the K-4 shade sail on Wednesday 28 March at 2.30pm. Please keep sending in your donations and sending back your tickets as every dollar from the raffle is going towards some wonderful friendship benches.

We have ordered the stock for our Mother’s Day Stall and we have an amazing variety of gifts yet again this year. The stall will be held on Wednesday 9 May and we are looking for volunteers to help with set up and helping students choose gifts.

We are also starting to organise the annual K-6 Disco which will be held on Friday 18 May. We are working with staff to make some changes for this year, so more details will follow after our April meeting.

If anyone would like to volunteer to help at these events please let us know by emailing parentsandfriends@dominic.tas.edu.au. We really do appreciate any assistance that parents can give.

We have been very lucky to secure Steve Biddulph as a guest speaker at É«ÇéÖ±²¥ to present his world famous presentation on Raising Boys on Wednesday 11 April at 7.30pm.

Tickets are $25, however the College and P&F will contribute $5 each ($10 total) to subsidise tickets for Dominic families, so the price of the ticket is reduced to $15 per parent. We would encourage all parents to come along to this great event.

Next month we have our Deputy Principal, Steve Casni, coming to our meeting and we will be discussing a proposal to purchase a set of Taiko Drums as part of our Japanese program.

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10 April and all parents are most welcome to come along.

Mrs Nicola Rayner - President, P&F Community