
​Kindergarten News

Term 2 has been an exceptionally busy term in Kindergarten. We have experienced our first Cross Country, a K-6 Assembly, Reconciliation Week - we are very proud of the Rainbow Serpent Kinders tuminana and timita made for Reconciliation Week. If you are in our foyer area, please have a look at him. Kinder tuminana also experienced their first K-10 College Feast Day Mass - in which we received a big round of applause for our exceptional behaviour. This term, the Kinder teachers are also sharing the teaching of Religion, Numeracy and Empower instruction. Each Wednesday we meet as a whole cohort for the explicit teaching of our lesson and explanation of follow up activities. Students are then able to move across the three rooms to complete the activities. This week we have finished our Friendship unit which Miss Duffy designed, with a Friendship Liturgy with Fr Bernie in Kinder larila. Throughout this unit, we have been working together, learning the same vocabulary and sharing our ideas with each other. This has helped with explanations in the playground when misunderstandings can occur. We are also looking at the Literacy and Numeracy outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework. In Numeracy we have investigated the concepts of pattern, shape and counting. Mrs Ekanayake has helped each child experience ABAB and AABB patterns through using paint, classroom objects and even ourselves to make patterns. In Literacy we have looked at the vowels of the alphabet. Each Kinder room has approached these investigations in different ways. Learning to read and write is a complex process in which children build upon prior experiences, knowledge and explicit teaching to develop connections between spoken and written words. Each Kinder is slowly building our students’ phonological awareness through rhyme and initial sound activities. In Kinder tuminana, we have used a varied approach to learning each of the vowels. As you can see from our photos, we have used picture books, food and art activities to learn about the name and sounds of the vowels. Using a creative approach to learning the sounds of the alphabet helps our students link their prior experiences to an engaging activity. It is hard to believe we are halfway through the year until we look at our Kinders and see how much they have grown, personally and academically this year.

Mrs Jane Doyle - Kinder tuminana Teacher