
Music - count us in!

The Bellerive Boardwalk was a special place on Thursday morning with 1500 school children, singing, playing and dancing for the Music Count Us In! event for 2015, and performing the song Gold.

John X hosted the event and led the song, which was performed along with half a million other children all around Australia at the same time - 12.30pm. Hobart celebrated in style with one of the biggest events in the country, with 500 more students than at the same venue last year.

The DUCK (Dominic Ukulele Cool Kids) Club made their debut public performance and were a highlight of the concert for all. The 5/6 Choir performed beautifully as did the Concert Band, who performed the theme from Mission Imposssible, with both these ensembles featuring significantly in the final big sing.

Students from eight schools participated including Rose Bay High School, The Friends' school, Clarence High School, The Hutchins School, Bellerive Primary School, Montagu Bay Primary School, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School and ourselves (the stars!).

See more photos on our website gallery here:

We featured on the WIN television news report on the event Thursday night with our students interviewed - if we can get to the footage it will appear here: WIN news link.