
P&F Community news

We had an amazing turnout to the P&F Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 21 February and as a result all positions this year have been filled.

The new P&F Community Executive members are President - Nicola Rayner, Vice President - Anne Lacy, Treasurer - Amanda Page, Secretary - Jo Berry and Event Coordinator - Kirsty Schulze.

Thank you to all these ladies for taking on some extra responsibility and I am sure that you will all do a fantastic job this year.

General Committee members for 2018 are Sharon Cook, Leesa Baker, Sharyn Majchrzak, Mary Moase, Sharon Cleland, Pam Cosker, Christine Smith, Karen Murray-Cox, Annette Roberts, Elise Reardon, Jess Quin, Amberley Harrex, Hayley Stoddart and Dannielle Quinn.

A massive thanks to everyone who came along and joined the committee for this year. It will be absolutely fabulous to work with such a diverse and interesting group and I am sure that we will have a very successful year.

Events for 2018

Our events for this year have been locked in to the calendar and are as follows

  • Easter Raffle; Wednesday 28 March 2018
  • Mother’s Day Stall; Wednesday 9 May 2018
  • K-6 Disco; Friday 18 May 2018
  • Father’s Day Stall; Wednesday 29 August 2018
  • College Fair; Friday 2 November 2018

If anyone would like to volunteer to help at these events please let us know by emailing parentsandfriends@dominic.tas.edu.au. We really do appreciate any assistance that parents can give.

Easter Raffle

Our Easter Raffle is up and running and donations and raffle tickets are steadily starting to come into the school offices, so thank you to everyone who has donated so far.

Please remember that you can donate until Tuesday 27 March and extra raffle tickets can be picked up from either the K-6 or 7-10 offices. We are using the money raised from the raffle to go towards some friendship benches, so we would love everyone to be as generous as they can.

We also want to remind parents that we are a nut-free school and therefore cannot accept any donations that have nuts in them.

Mrs Nicola Rayner, President, Parents & Friends Community