
7-10 assembly - 11 May

Following the all school assembly to commemorate ANZAC Day, and the all school Mass to celebrate our Feast Day, today, Wednesday 11 May, was the first opportunity in Term 2 for 7-10 students to have their regular gathering.

Knowing Mr Davey was keen to finish the assembly early to get Mr Golding's biggest in Tasmania school HPE Boot Camp session, there was a palpable mood of celebration and expectancy.

The anthem was sung with gusto, and the College Prayer shared aloud. The College Captains ran proceedings in their no nonsense way, thanking students for their wonderful contributions to a range of College activities - this year's Project Compassion work was particularly generous. Donations were over double last year's and Bosco students were congratulated especially on their mighty efforts.

The Captains congratulated all students for making last week's Feast Day and Dominic Day Cup an enjoyable community occasion.

Director of Creative Arts, Mr O'Brien, reminded everyone of the excellent performances given by Year 7 and 8 Drama students in Junior Talking Heads, presented in the last week of Term 1, and awarded certificates to the 20 cast and crew.

Of particular merit were the large number of gold, and especially diamond awards, achieved by students for outstanding efforts in their subject reports. An impressive 15 students received special diamond awards from the Principal, Ms Gilligan, for gaining maximum possible points in all their subjects. Ms Gilligan clearly enjoyed the fact that not only were there many leaders amongst this group but also there were many students who had made great improvements to rise to this level of effort. (She was also chuffed several students were in her RE class.)

Ms Gilligan and Mr Davey are grateful to all students who put in, participate and take pride in their work and their community.

You can see some photos from the assembly here: .