
The Gift of a Mural

2019 Year 10 Leavers have designed and gifted a beautiful mural to the College as a parting gesture in their last year. The mural project facilitated by Visual Arts Teacher Ms Audrey Durbridge, and the result of the students’ creative collaboration and planning throughout the year, is now installed in the College Chapel

In the concept stage of this project, Year 7 to 10 art students were asked to respond deeply and meaningfully to the Chapel and its location in the foothills of kunanyi.Their designs took inspiration from local flora and fauna, the silhouette of the kunanyi range, Christian symbols of faith and the students’ own interpretation of their place within the Dominic community.

Students considered Biblical scriptures, multicultural influences, and indigenous custodianship in their creativity.

They then designed and annottated individual artworks, and these drawings were the basis to inspire the final mural design. Students suggested their preferred colours to have input in the interpretation, and the drawings were adapted to the mural design by commissioned artist, Christine Sage.

The final artwork is an intricate interpretation of faith, and the beauty of the College's environment. The artwork was assembled and arranged to form three panels, and installed to be a vibrant feature at the entrance to the Chapel.

We thank our Year 10 students for their thoughtful and heartfelt gift which will be treasured for many years to come, a symbol of their love for the College and it’s community.