
Joe Brooks speaks to 7-10 students

In 2018, the Year 10 Leaders have undertaken work to address Mental Health with students in our community.

College Captain, Maggie Baker, drove this through our first ever Mental Health Week. To continue this great work, Maggie went through the Beyond Blue website and requested a speaker for our College.

Maggie speaks about Joe in her article in the , but I wanted to highlight some of the amazing advice Joe shared.

Coping mechanisms
Alcohol, unhealthy food or gaming may push or mask issues for a short period of time, but issues need to be addressed and there is support out there.

When looking for help, the first option might not always fit.
Joe didn’t connect with some psychologists and some coping strategies didn’t work, but he now knows what works for him. He never gave up.

Socialising and physical activity make a positive difference.
Joe had some lapses, especially when relationships broke down and/or he was injured and unable to work and exercise. Both those things improve his mental health significantly and also improve his self esteem. He recommends combining the two together by exercising and getting some fresh air with friends or joining a sporting club.

Anything is achievable if you prepare. Joe completed the Kakoda Trail, personally raising $12,000 for Beyond Blue and was part of team that raised $77,000.

He prepared, trained and proved to himself and others that someone with a mental illness could undertake any challenge. He has now taken this style of preparation into his life, breaking down challenges into smaller steps so they seem more achievable.

Goals might not always go to plan. Having goals is important, but if they don’t go to plan, readjust, refocus and find another way. If you use the support networks you have, you can achieve those goals.

Mr Aaron Davey - Coordinator of Pastoral Care 7-10