
Year 4 mariners

During a week of wild and wet weather, Year 4 students were fortunate to experience a fantastic fair weather voyage on the Lady Nelson last Wednesday, 8 June.

As part of the Year 4 HASS studies (Humanities and Social Sciences), students have been examining the journey of an 18th Century sea explorer. Our particular focus has been on Captain James Cook and the Endeavour.

Students were able to imagine life at sea in that era by assisting with raising sails, ringing the ship’s bell and steering the Lady Nelson as we sailed up the river under the Tasman Bridge.

Below deck we heard from a crew member about the cramped and uncomfortable conditions at sea during the long expeditions of those days.

To add to our learning, we also visited the Maritime Museum of Tasmania, which helped everyone understand more about our state’s amazing seafaring history.

Students would like to thank our fabulous helpers who made it possible for us to enjoy an interesting and memorable day out.

Ms Therese McDevitt - Year 4 Teacher