
Magic moments on stage

The Scriptless Cup for 2016 was held on the final day of Term 2. Over the four years we have been running this event, the traditions and rituals that form part of the fun have been evolving - the coveted plastic Chicken Trophy, the Magic Moment Award as well as the various bonus marks for tasks such as improvised interpretative dance, and the supreme prize, a bucket of minties.

The audiences were so eager for the competition to start, they arrived 15 minutes early. Each house chose a team of six students who played a range of drama impro games.

Preceding the finals this year, the competitors had a training session with the current Australian Theatresports Champions, Kate Coates and Pat McGee. In the Little Theatre, Years 7 and 8, under the watchful eyes of Pat and Miss Brownrigg, were introduced to the impro techniques that encourage lightning fast imaginative responses in which stories, characters and situations are created, developed and dissolved within a matter of minutes.

The Year 9 and 10 competition mixed experienced drama students with inspired newcomers to impro. Alec Wilde, Bradley Shadbolt and Jesse Miteff proved to be formidable exponents and provided several inspired comic moments.

In a closely fought battle, Savio were victorious in the Year 7-8 final and Bosco raised the squeaking chicken in triumph to take the honours for Year 9-10.

Kate and Pat began the day with a workshop for students from Years 5 and 6 who will compete in a Junior Theatresports Competition to celebrate Dominic Feast day in two weeks’ time.

You can see more photos from the afternoon's entertainment on our website photo gallery: .
Mr Mike O’Brien - K-10 Director of Creative Arts