
Future VET Pathways

A number of students from Dominic have chosen to enrol in VET studies at GYC in 2017. Below, they share why they have chosen to study VET:

Sam Peters (Hospitality) I have chosen Hospitality as my VET course next year because, I love cooking and it’s my passion, I plan to open up my own restaurant in Melbourne and hopefully do an apprenticeship in one of the big kitchens up. Cooking to me is a creative way of expressing feelings in a unique way.

Sam was successful in his application to receive a Southern Cross Care VET Bursary designed to assist with his VET studies at GYC in 2017.

Eva Vanson (Child Services) For 2017 I have chosen to do a childcare VET course, because I am very passionate about young children and how they grow and learn. Also I am very interested in feathering my career in childcare, and hopefully one day becoming a child carer and or having my own child care center one day in the future. I feel that doing this VET course it will put me on the right path to one day pursuing my career in childcare.

Andrew MacKenzie I want to do VET Construction because I want to become a builder. By doing this course would give me ideas of what it’s like to be a builder. I am really good with doing things with my hands such as making things.

Zac Banks (Hospitality) For 2017 VET I have chosen Hospitality because I like to cook and I have a lot of fun doing so, but it also challenges me at times. This is my main interest and I would really like to gain a job out of this.

Jennifer Parsons (Child Services) I am looking to go into the child services industry and I would like to do this because I love working with children, and it is the pathway I would like to go down. I love watching kids grow and learn and I would absolutely love the opportunity to be able to work with younger children and be able to watch them grow and learn themselves. Child care is the way I would like to be heading after I leave school and I believe this course will give me the biggest opportunity to have the best chance of reaching my life goal in doing child care and child services.

I have done work experience with the Dominic Early Learning Centre and I have a very good feel of what a good child care is like and it has excited me to be in this industry even more than before, working, playing and teaching these children to become the best they can be. I am studying child studies at the moment in Year 10 and doing this course will hopefully extend my knowledge and understanding of children and their way of growing and learning.

Sydney Reynolds (Hospitality) I have chosen VET hospitality in 2017 because of my passion for cooking. I enjoy creating dishes and reading from recipes. It is something that I had always loved to do and I hope to later on become an Apprentice Chef.

Hailee Farrell (Child Services) I have chosen to a VET course in child studies because I enjoy spending time with young children and being able to see their faces when the learn to do or say something new and knowing that I had a small part in that journey. I spent most of my holidays babysitting for some of my family friends and enjoy doing so, I also completed my Year 10 work experience at the Discovery Early Learning Centre in Glenorchy, which gave me a larger understanding of the children and how different the age groups can be. I really enjoy this line of work and hope to complete years 11 and 12, go to university and become a primary school teacher.

Olivia Jackson also was successful in gaining a Southern Cross Care VET bursary designed to assist with her VET studies at GYC in 2017.

Apprenticeships in 2017 - Why did I want to get an apprenticeship in Construction?

Two of our current VET Certificate I in Construction students have successfully gained an apprenticeship for 2017. They shared with us about this next step in their educational pathway.

Company: VOS Construction and Joinery Pty Ltd - Position: Apprenticeship in Construction

Bradley Young
I have always had a passion for the wood work industry and over my years I have made many projects from a small tool box to a wooden sandpit in the shape of a boat. These experiences have helped shaped my pathway and given me ideas about possible careers. With a lot of hard work and dedication to my school work, I have obtained an apprenticeship in construction with VOS Construction and Joinery Pty Ltd. I am very proud of this great achievement and look forward to where my future takes me in the construction industry.

Josh Cleaver
I have just gained an apprenticeship as an apprentice cabinet maker with VOS Construction and Joinery Pty Ltd. This is a career that I have always been very interested in since I started woodwork in Year 7 and I am lucky enough to have gained this apprenticeship. To gain an apprenticeship takes a lot of work and effort at school and out of school.