
3-6 Theatresports on Feast Day

On Feast Day last week, Years 3–6 finished the day with the exciting conclusion of our annual Theatresports competitions, with great energy and a wonderful display of House Spirit.

There were signs and incredible costumes. The event began with a House cheering competition and straight away it was clear that each House had come to battle for the title.

Year 3s were next with a round of Martha’s Game, having to create dynamic tableaux about ‘The Bus Stop’, ‘The Hot Air Balloon’, to name a few. Year 5 and 6 teams competed in a variety of games including ‘Instant Mime’, ‘Typewriter’, ‘Props’ and ‘Expert Double Figures.’

We were even treated to Mrs O’Grady and Ms Graham demonstrating how to make a Caesar salad in double figures. Thanks Mrs Lowe for volunteering them!

After very creative rounds, the event culminated in an incredibly close final between Guzman and Siena. Ultimately, Siena took the prize with a one-point lead.

Extra prizes were awarded for Best Dressed – Kyan Cubit, and Magic Moment – Joshua Ross. Thank you to our great judges, Ms McGuire, Mrs Baker, Mr O’Brien, and our scorekeeper Mrs Cunningham. Well done everyone, what a great way to finish Feast Day!

Mrs Samantha Healy - Drama Teacher