
Sculpture workshop

During their specialist Art classes on Friday 14 June, Year 3 students were treated to a sculpture design workshop with Matt Calvert.

Matt is a sculptor of considerable renown with major works in public spaces throughout the country and four pieces in situ at our own MONA.

He has been commissioned to produce a large sculptural piece for the Glenorchy City Council which is expected to be erected on the green space outside the council offices.

The theme for this artwork is family and culture and how we make communities from diverse cultural backgrounds and are able to form meaningful relationships within our community.

The students eagerly embraced this concept and contributed a wonderful array of depictions and experiences.

In the actual workshop Matt showed images of his own work and even brought in a more portable piece for students to directly experience close up.

Students then got to work and created small drawings of the people that matter to them, family, friends, carers and even pets found their way into the mix.

Matt will now take all these wonderful drawings into his studio and filter their ideas and inspiration into the final design for his sculpture. He is looking forward to sharing his progress with us.

Ms Audrey Durbridge - Creative Arts Teacher