
Years 3-10 Goalsetting Day

The first day of Term 3, Monday 20 July, will be devoted to individual goal-setting appointments for all students in Year 3 to Year 10.

Because we believe this process is important, the day will be a student-free day for K-10 students. K-2 teachers will also work with Year 3-10 students, so K-2 students will not resume Term 3 until Tuesday 21 July 2015.

All Year 3-10 students have been allocated a specific teacher and will be asked to book an appointment with that teacher on SOBS.

While we appreciate this may be difficult for some with work arrangements, we consider goal-setting an essential step for our student's learning journey. We hope by giving you enough notice you will be able to make the necessary arrangements to enable your presence to support your child. If circumstances do not allow this, another family member as nominated by you could be present instead.

A letter is going home to all parents talking about this and how to make your appointments.

We introduced this goal-setting day because educational research has demonstrated the effectiveness of an education program for each student is improved when appropriate goals are set in place by students with their teachers, and if possible, parents.

When students learn and practise how to set and achieve goals, especially with their school work, they learn how to take more responsibility for their education. They learn how they play a significant role in their own education and in their future.

By learning how to set and achieve goals, how to overcome challenges, the importance of being positive, and how to measure their progress, students learn how to enhance and increase their chances for success.

Almost all successful people have one quality in common: the habit of goal setting. If students are taught to set goals during their schooling, they will learn to set goals, pertaining to their career and personal life. Goal setting for students aims to inculcate self-esteem, discipline, focus, concentration, dedication and hard work.

We look forward to seeing all Year 3-Year 10 students with a parent/guardian on this very important day.

Mr Andrew Pritchard - K-10 Director of Pastoral Care