
Year 6 graduation assembly

Year 6 students had a big day today, Monday 12 December, to start their final week of Term 4.

All our Year 6 students lined up outside a crowded Savio Centre to receive the congratulations of the younger students as they entered the assembly.

There were welcomes and singing, prayers and speeches. Significant academic awards were presented by the Principal, and the whole assembly enjoyed a video matching each Year 6 student with their baby photos - many of which were both adorable and very funny, especially to their buddies.

Each student received a special personalised candle for their graduation.

The assembly also incorporated a moving ceremony of the changing of the Year 6 leaders. Noah Oliver and Hannah Lane McDonald (2017 captains) and Kitean Aitken and Rachael Glidden (2017 vice-captains) took their seats on the diais replacing the 2016 captains and vice-captains who have done such an impressive job this year.

Later in the afternoon Year 6 students and families attended Mass in the Chapel, thence enjoyed a barbecue and a disco.

Congratulations Year 6 and we look forward to your growing success and maturity in Year 7 in 2017.

You can see and download photos from the assembly here: Year 6 graduation assembly; or Year 6 receiving their camdles.