
Multicultural futsal tournament

The Youth Settlement Team of the Migrant Resource Centre Southern Tas (MRC) organises activities for new Tasmanians, who come from a variety of countries, refugee backgrounds, religions and cultures.

On 8-9 July 2016, a Multicultural Youth Health and Fitness Event was organised in collaboration with the Phoenix Centre and Dominic College in our Savio Centre. The event aimed to improve social connections and wellbeing through sport. There was a delicious BBQ, and information stalls from various organisations.

The highlight – a Futsal Competition where over 100 players and spectators came from across the state to participate. The competition was organised into three groups – over 18 male teams, under 18 male teams and female teams, made up of players from Afghani, Nepali/Bhutanese and Australian backgrounds. Most of these teams and players are new to futsal, and with MRC support are slowly building confidence and capacity to participate in mainstream sporting clubs. In particular, the Afghani female teams are the first Afghani female players in Tasmania, and had never played in public before. The competition was tough, there were many talented players.

Over 18 male competition: Final: Afghan Launceston vs Afghan Hobart Winner: Afghan Launceston
Under 18 male competition: Final: Tasmanian U/16 State Team vs Afghan Eagles Winner: Tasmanian U/16 State Team
Female competition: Final: Afghan Goats vs Afghan Shafin Winner: Afghan Goats