

At the Dominic’s Got Talent celebration on our Feast Day, the students were dazzled by a gob-smacking drum solo performance from Year 7 student, Campbell Whelan. Although Campbell’s prowess as a drummer is well known to Miss Hewitt and Mr Smith, students from Year 7 to 10 weren’t aware of his musical talent and expertise.

Which Creative Arts subjects are you taking? This year I’m doing music, art and drama and I’m enjoying them all.

How long have you been drumming? Since I was 8. I had a little Wiggles set when I was about four, but I got a drum kit for Christmas when I was eight. I didn’t play all that much I just banged about.

Do you read Music? Yes. I learnt it quickly.

Do you have a drum teacher? I’ve had three teachers. The first one played for a band. The second was Sam, from the Hobart College of Music. The third was Casey from the The Wolfe Brothers band.

How often do you practise? I used to practise a fair bit, but now with school work, not as much.

How does your family cope with the playing drums at home?

I have an electric set that I plug head phones into, that’s in my bedroom, and the Mapex set we keep in the shed, about100 metres away in the back yard, although they can still hear me in the house sometimes. Dad bought the set for both of us.

Who is your favourite drummer? That’s a bit hard. Pretty much nearly all the rock drummers. I listen to lots of different stuff.

What would you like to do when you leave school? Might be a drummer, or it’s a bit hard because I do like go-carts as well. Ideally, I could do both.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about learning the drums? Yeah, I’d encourage them to do it. It’s real fun.

Dance and Music Showcase

Campbell is one of the students featured in our Music and Dance Showcase at GYC on Tuesday 12 September.

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