
Technology in Year 3

Technology has revolutionised the way we think, work and play. Technology, when integrated in the curriculum improves students’ learning processes and outcomes... Students are engaged in their learning using these powerful tools, and can become creators and critics instead of just consumers. https://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-guide-importance; accessed 27 June, 2018

As part of Year 3 curriculum, students have been engaged with using Reading Eggs for Literacy Skills, Mathletics and Prodigy for Numeracy Skills and have also now become more accustomed to using Word, Powerpoint and photography to share their understanding.

Student understanding and use of technology has shown marked improvement, they are now much more independent in using the laptops in many areas of the Year 3 curriculum.

Some examples of our technology use include:

  • HASS – PowerPoints using voice overs and a variety of transitions!
  • Science – 3B have created a class video based on information reports that have been written on our Solar Systems. Students used a green screen and iPad app ‘Green Screen’ to create different backgrounds for their film. This will be presented at assembly next term.
  • English – 3A used the green screens to impose themselves into the story they had been reading for English – ‘Gangsta Granny.’ These funny photos are on display in their classroom window.

Next term, Year 3 begins technology in Mamma Margaret’s Kitchen. Staff and students are looking forward to this next technology-based challenge.

Mrs Allison Lowe, Mrs Bradi McGee & Mrs Olivia Stephen - Year 3 Teachers