
Talking Heads 2015

Year 9/10 Drama are well into preparations for Talking Heads, 2015. First presented in 2012, this performance project aims to give our students practical experience in one of the most demanding forms of dramatic and theatrical performance; the monologue.

The choice of material is broad and not restricted to any particular performance style, theatrical genre or dramatic form. The only requirement being that the pieces are drawn from a published script. The students are then able to approach the task with the knowledge their material is tried and tested and their task is to make the pieces work for their audiences.

All 43 students will be presenting their work in class, with 10 to 12 of the most outstanding pieces to be presented to the school community.

There will be three performances: Tuesday, August 18, Wednesday, August 19 and Thursday, August 20 at 7pm in the Oratory Space. Admission is free, but tickets should be booked as the seating is strictly limited.