
Year 9 Rite Journey continues with The Departure

On Tuesday, Year 9 students and their parents/guardians gathered in the Savio Centre to take part in ‘The Departure’, one of the ceremonies that occurs as part of The Rite Journey – Year 9 EMPOWER Program.

We asked parents/guardians to bring in up to five things that represent their son/daughter’s childhood - a favourite teddy or blanket, photos, favourite toy or something which evokes a strong memory.

Tables were set up in the Savio Centre and parents/guardians arranged those items and were encouraged to have a five-minute discussion with their son/daughter about why they picked these significant mementoes to recognize their childhood. Some shared special stories or memories at this time.

Students read aloud a gratitude letter they had written in class, thanking their parents/guardians for all they have done for them.

The purpose of this exercise is for students and parents to celebrate their childhood and to recognise that physically, socially and mentally their children have begun to develop into young adults.

Year 9 and 15-years-of-age is a significant moment in their lives - students need to start taking more responsibility for their actions and acting appropriately.

At the conclusion of ‘The Departure’ students and families could stay to share some BBQ food and reflect.

We hope this powerful and emotional experience helps to solidify the critical bond between students and their families.

Mr Andrew Pritchard - Director of Pastoral Care K-10