
Teaching & Learning

Farewell Shimomura sensei

​On Monday, students in Prep to Year 6 gathered in the Savio Centre to farewell Shizuoka Salesio teacher exchange participant, Akihiro Shimomura.

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Melody saves the day!

​With a special request from Ms Gilligan for the Year 9/10 Japanese elective students to collaborate with Shimomura sensei on a piece of artwork using the school motto in Japanese, we faced a challenge. Where to source a very large brush for very large calligraphy?

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Student trip blogs coming up

​In September each year Year 6 and Year 9 make their exciting immersion trips, Year 6 students travel to Canberra and Year 9 students to the Northern Territory. When they eventually graduate from É«ÇéÖ±²¥ old scholars often recall these trips as some of the best times of their schooling.

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Tournament of Minds Year 4/5

Tournament of Minds is an inter-school problem-solving competition, which fosters creative thinking, cooperative learning and teamwork.The Dominic team known as the Dominic Brainy Bunch was made up of the following students from Years 4 and 5: Kyan Cubit, Abbie Doran, Zac Forey, Callum Kelly, Cameron Moase, Georgia McPherson and Laura O’Reilly.Students had five weeks to finalise its solution to a long-term challenge, which it presented last Saturday at Ogilvie High School. The team also completed a spontaneous challenge on the day.

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Prep Twilight Night

In our Term 3 Science unit, Weather in our World, Prep is exploring how daily and seasonal changes in our environment affect everyday life. Through guided investigations, the students are engaging in observing events, asking questions and describing changes about the weather and how it affects us.

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VET at É«ÇéÖ±²¥

É«ÇéÖ±²¥ is a member of the consortium of Catholic Colleges that offer a VET in schools program as part of our elective offerings. Students can undertake 3-4 units in the following courses:

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Morning provocations in Kinder

By now you will have noticed that each morning your child’s class has a number of ‘activities’ set up to be explored after they have put away their bags and signed in.

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RoboCup success

Over Term 2 and 3 students in Robotics Club have been preparing to compete in Robocup Junior competitions.

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Science Week Fair at É«ÇéÖ±²¥

Last Wednesday we celebrated Science Week by holding our second Science Fair. It was rewarding to see so many students engaged in their experiments and having a great time. One group of students who shone academically were the Year 9 and 10 students.

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Launch into Learning news

Our numbers at Launch into Learning (LIL) are growing every week with many new families taking up the offer of our free program for birth to four year olds.

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